Entry Number: 506
Date of Birth: Nov 8 1872
Surname and Christian Name: Caroline Grunow
Color: White
Sex: Female
Birth Place: 6th Ward Detroit
Parents- Full Name of Each: Albert Grunow and Minnie Grunow
Residence: Detroit
Birthplace: Father-Prusia Mother-Holland
Occupation of Father: Gardener
Date of Record: Sept 23, 1873
Possible Death Record for Albert Grunow: Michigan Deaths 1867-1897
Index Transcription and Citation:
My Transcription of Original:
Date of Death: Oct 16 1892
Age: 59 yrs 7 months
Disease or Cause of Death: Poisoned
Birth Place: Germany
Occupation: Gardener
Parents: Unknown
Date of Record: May 24, 1893
Possible Death record for John Kraft: Michigan Death 1867-1897
Index Transcription and Citation:
Name: John Kraft; Death date: 27 Oct 1897; Death place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Gender: Male; Age at death: 62 years; Estimated birth year: 1835; Birth place: Germany; Marital status: Married; Father name: Unknown; Mother name: Unknown; Occupation: Laborer; Film number: 2364222; Digital GS number: 4002084; Image number: 990; Reference number: item 1 p 347 rn 1891; Collection: Michigan Deaths 1867-1897
My Transcription:
Record Number: 1891
Death Date: 27 Oct 1897
Full Name: John Kraft
Age 62
Place of Death: Detroit
Disease or Cause of Death: Inflamation of Lungs
Birth Place: Germany
Occupation: Laberor
Parents: Unknown
Date of Record: May 20 1898
Unfortunately none of this information allows me to verify that it is the right individual.
Marriage Record of John Kraft Jr to Carrie Grunow: Michigan Marriage 1868-1925
Groom name: John, Jr. Kraft; Groom age: 21 years; Groom birth year: 1872; Groom birth place: Michigan; Bride name: Carrie Grunone; Bride age: 20 years; Bride birth year: 1873; Bride birth place: Michigan; Marriage date: 23 May 1893; Marriage place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Father of groom name: Jno. Kraft; Mother of groom name: Susanna Rumski; Father of bride name: Albert Grunone; Mother of bride name: Philomina Solders; Film number: 2342497; Digital GS number: 4207818; Image number: 135; Reference number: item 4 p 419 rn 13805; Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
My Transcription:Record Number: 13805
Date of Licence: May 22 1893
Full Name and Age of Bridegroom: John Kraft Jr. 21
Full Name and Age of Bride: Carrie Grunow
Residence of Each: Detroit, Michigan
Birthplace of Each: Michigan
Occupation of Each: Nickel Plater/ na
Name of Father of Each: Jno Kraft/ Albert Grunow
Maiden Name of Mothers of Each: Susanna Rumski/ Philomenia Solders
Date of Marriage: May 23 1893
Place of Marriage: Detroit
Name and Official Station of Person by Whom Married: Geo Stauss, Ass't Pastor
Witnesses and their Residence: Frank Kraft and Joshephine Grunow of Detroit, Michigan
Marriage record for August Hill and Caroline Kraft(Krefft): Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
Groom name: August Hill; Groom age: 35 years; Groom birth year: 1884; Groom birth place: Michigan; Bride name: Caroline Krefft; Bride age: 25 years; Bride birth year: 1894; Bride birth place: Michigan; Marriage date: 07 May 1919; Marriage place: Detroit, Wayne, Michigan; Father of groom name: John; Mother of groom name: ...argret Wagner; Father of bride name: John; Mother of bride name: ...roline; Film number: 2342734; Digital GS number: 4210041; Image number: 86; Reference number: v 8 p 265 rn 173792; Collection: Michigan Marriages 1868-1925
My Transcription:
Record Number: 173792
Date of Licence: April 29 1919
Full Name and Age of Bridegroom: August Hill 35
Full Name and Age of Bride: Caroline Krefft 25
Residence of Each: Detroit
Birthplace of Each: Michigan
Occupation of Each: Garage man/ none
Name of Father of Each: John/ John
Maiden Name of Mothers of Each: ..argaret Wagner/ ...roline (image cuts of part of names, we do know that they are Margaret and Caroline)
Time Previously Marriage: One/ no
Date of Marriage: May 7 1919
Place of Marriage: Detroit
Name and Official Station of Person by Whom Married: Leo Stauss, Priest
Witnesses and their Residence: Chas P. Hill and Mary E. Oswald of Not given
Birth Record for August Hill: Michigan Births 1867-1902
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